Saturday, March 14, 2009


I love love U2. Still on a roll of doing my series of caricatures. This one was a pleasure to work on. The jacket was a pain because of all the texture in the leather. Spent a couple night on this, might do some more touch ups to it later. Had to finish tonight so I could send it to my mom for her birthday later today. The next one will be of a couple people in a setting or in some kinda pose. After that I figured I'd do an entire scene with a background and everything. Just to show I can do pretty much anything. Its just the timing on these takes a while and I do have a day job, which sucks by the way cause all I want to do is draw and paint.


SEILER said...

Looks nice Jason, I have some ideas if you wanna email me! Nice work on the face!

Niall O loughlin said...

One of the best Bono's I've seen!

J. Anthony Kosar said...

Looks great my friend, you nailed him!