Thursday, October 9, 2008

Presidential Candidates Illustration

Finally finished with this one. It took me forever its seems like. Pulled a few all-nighters. I definately need to get up to speed but I was also working on a couple of other things as well, such as the Paul Newman and a couple oil paintings in progress. I am very proud of this one. Going to send it out to a few political mags and some others.

THis one shows how Biden and Palin were taking the spotlight away from McCain and Obama, I love how they are behind the curtain with certain confused or aggressive expressions on there faces. I made them two more caricature like than Palin and Biden for the same reason. Thanks for the idea Jason.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Felt like painting Paul on Sunday. Had been working on another piece for a bit but wanted to paint him. Only took a day. Had to pay tribute to one of my favorite actors of all time. Such a great man.